Passion Pursuit

Where Innovation Meets Excellence

Talent-on-Demand with Passion Pursuit Resource Augmentation Services

Passion Pursuit designs agile and cost-effective outsourcing strategies, the Resource Augmentation services that connect you with top tech talent and help you realize your business goals.

Compliment Your Business Goals with the best Resource Augmentation Services

Resource Augmentation is an agile and cost-effective strategy to connect companies with the talent they need to accomplish their business goals. Passion Pursuit is dedicated to providing the maximum benefit of outsourcing with its Resource Augmentation services, enabling companies to expedite project deliveries, optimize cost, and ensure scalability. With an in-depth knowledge of different industries, our services meet your unique specific needs while delivering exceptional results.

Why Passion Pursuit for

Resource Augmentation

Global Approach

We focus on generating business value across the ocean in regions of MENA (Middle East and North Africa), Asia, and the USA.

Dedicated Project Manager

Our dedicated project managers streamline resource integration, ensuring efficient collaboration and successful project outcomes every time.

A Versatile Portfolio

We provide resources to various business categories. Several Fintech and EdTech are among the satisfied customers who adorn our portfolio.

Convenient Process

Our process is designed for your convenience, making it effortless to access specialized resources when and where you need them, hassle-free.

Specialized in IT industry infrastructure

Although we provide resources to businesses in all functioning areas, our expertise lies in augmenting resources in the IT sector.

Highly Skilled Specialization

We have a resource pool of top-notch specialists, each a master in their field, ensuring your projects benefit from unmatched expertise and precision.

The Pathway to Agile and Specialized Resource Augmentation

Assessment and Consultation

We begin by conducting a thorough assessment of your project requirements and objectives. Our team collaborates closely with you to understand your specific needs and goals.

Resource Integration

The selected specialists are seamlessly integrated into your project team. Our project manager coordinates their onboarding and sets their performance expectations and goals.

Resource Identification

Once we have a clear understanding of your requirements, we identify the most suitable resources from our pool of highly skilled specialists.

Project Execution and Monitoring

We closely monitor performance, track milestones, and provide ongoing support to address any challenges that may arise.

Project Manager Assignment

We appoint a dedicated project manager to oversee the integration of resources and ensure smooth collaboration.

Quality Assurance and Feedback

We prioritize quality assurance, value your feedback, and continuously refine our services to enhance project outcomes.

Achieve project excellence with our expert resources.

Contact us to enjoy streamlined success with our Resource Augmentation Services

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Resource Augmentation?

Resource Augmentation is a recruiting strategy that enables an organization to acquire or outsource people for specific projects or situations.

The core benefits of using Resource Augmentation Services are:
A) You can connect to specialist skills that align with a project’s needs.
B) It is cost-effective since this type of short-term recruitment saves tax costs, employee benefits, and more.
C) It provides you with the flexibility to scale up or down your permanent workforce according to the demand and your budget.

The cost of Resource Augmentation varies on a case-by-case basis. Essentially, the cost depends on the type of resource you are looking for.